50 of the best one liners from The King: Eternal Monarch

31. Justice doesn’t make the sword. The sword decides what justice is.

Lee Lim to mysterious little boy
"What if a villain draws the sword?"
"Justice doesn't make the sword. The sword decides what justice is."
"It seems that the things in your world keep changing."

-- Conversation between Lee Lim and the mysterious boy.

First, this line makes this list for the implications and character depth it reveals. The blatant relatable construct of this statement gives credence to Lee Lim’s perception of both good and evil. We learn from a statement like this that Lee Lim doesn’t take responsibility nor feel quilt for the murder he committed with The Tiger Sword. Here we get a clear view on Lee Lim’s perspective, his wayward morals, and even the perceived root of evil.

You know that American gun debate? YUP, those arguments are making an appearance here in The King: Eternal Monarch with this line.The longest argument in history is “does the tool cause the death or the person who wields it?” This statement does an excellent job of bringing this discussion and concept to the table for viewers to dissect.

32. The King’s words are the law.


–King Lee Gon to prisoner

Reminders, especially given during a declaration of power, are extremely impactful. As a king, Lee Gon is often seen as a fair, kind, and intellectual ruler. As the drama progresses, we see a more fierce and aggressive king. This is one of those moments. It’s also one of those moments where he carries out actionable tasks.

He no longer just talks about beheading with his soft threats to his friends …

now, he means it.

This prisoner will be beheaded as declared by the King of Corea. It’s the first time in this drama where Lee Gon follows through with his popular threat. This makes it onto the list for this reason.

33. I’m restoring the balance.

mysterious little boy to Tae-eul

This drama frequently focuses on the theme of responsibility, and how children especially feel responsible for the justice and compassion, or lack thereof, that is in their society. This is rooted in the purity and innocent characteristics that are often associated with children. The fact that the children in this drama are 100 times more considerate and responsible than most television dramas really makes this special. We first saw this with Jo Yeong becoming the unbreakable sword at just 4 years old, the 7 year old king’s mournful remembrance toward his father’s death, and now this mysterious little boy who wants to restore the balance.

Most character wants are self-serving, but that cannot be said for this little boy.

The fact that this young boy is restoring the balance and taking action for something that many people would say is “out of his control,” is really astounding and truly inspiring.

34. Protect her, she’s the future queen.

Lee Gon to the Royal Guards

This is the most compelling scene in the entire series. A moment that combines the sweetness of their budding romance, the aggressiveness that ensues from the prevalent threat, the anxiety and fear that comes with the risk of losing it all, and a roller-coaster ride all wrapped into one specific story beat- that’s what makes this scene both remarkable and memorable. It’s got your awe inspiring action moments filtered with the emotional heart throb elements. There is no better scene than this … to see what they truly mean to each other and what they would do for love.

When Tae-eul is at her worst she seeks out Lee Gon.

And Lee Gon … well he does what any self-respecting and admirable hero would do: he rushes to her side to protect her … why?

Because he can’t imagine a future, a world, or even a parallel universe without her.

She is his future queen and he proudly proclaims this in front of all of his men. This scene shows the actionable side of love. For these many reasons it MUST make the list.

In addition, the Tiger Sword is used for the very first time by our King Lee Gon, all to protect the love of his life: his future queen. For the first time, the sword is being used justly: in the name of protecting. Prior to this we have only seen it used by Lee Lim as a murder weapon against the late King of Corea, Lee Gon’s father, in 1994. So, it’s incredibly refreshing to finally see it put to its proper use.

Plus, can we just admire how remarkable and attractive the mise-en-scene, visual effects, acting, and staging are represented in the above frame?! Like, swoon!

35. Protect your phone number

Eun-Sup to Nari look a-like

Maybe not as great as a king proclaiming his love and intentions to his beloved, but maybe just as effective … and a lot more realistic. This one liner is especially sweet and comedic once you consider the source: the eclectic Eun-sup.

Guys, take note! This is super cute.

36. If that door closes, I’ll open all the doors in the universe.

Lee Gon to Tae-eul in Episode 12

Too good to be true? That’s exactly what this line is reminiscent of: all the impossible promises that are sweet to the ears, but impractical to the modern world.

… but it’s lines like this that gives hope to the hopeless romantic.

It reinstates a feeling of hope, because although it may not be real (because it’s a television show), someone is still writing about it. Someone still thinks words such as these have impact … and it proves that it does.

For someone as powerful as a king to make a promise like this, we know he WILL have difficulties keeping such a promise … but he WILL keep it. And, it will require great tenacity. But, he is a king with great morale character, so the journey to get … well, it’ll definitely be a show worth watching.

37. I am deeply indebted to you.

King Lee Gon to Madam of the Royal Court in Episode 14

When has a king ever indebted himself to anyone? Sure wedding alliances were a thing of the past, but this king has made it his life goal to never be indebted to anyone, especially the Prime Minister.

… but it’s in a heartwarming scene like this where he actually puts to words the one thing he adamantly refused previously.

He is indebted, but he is indebted to a woman who is like family to him.

He is indebted to a woman who took a risk by not revealing his presence to the royal guards (in 1994) during the murder of his father.

Her silence saved his life.

It is through this series of events that both we and he realize … his savior from long ago … was actually himself, albeit an older version of himself.

All this due to the magical properties of the flute named Malaspojyeon.

38. I’m on my way to you

Lee Gon motivates himself and makes a promise to an unseen Tae-eul

The reasoning on this one … well … it’s pretty simple.

What girl doesn’t want to hear this? Like … swoon, come my prince.

39. When it’s fate, there are no coincidences.

"It is inevitable by nature, but when you realize its meaning, it's always too late."

Tae-eul says this to Lee Gon and it is just astounding in its intensity and simplicity. This conversation shows a revelation that is both bold and inspiring, yet also full of sorrow in it’s truth.

Keep turning that page!

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