50 of the best one liners from The King: Eternal Monarch

16. That’s a kings order.

Lee Gon to Maximus instructing him to eat any carrots Jeong Tae-eul offers.

That’s not just a prince.


Get yourself a man that looks at you the way King Lee Gon looks at his 7th official, Maximus.


17. i’m just going to watch; the officers can take care of it

Lee Gon in response to an upcoming fist fight

What kind of hero just sits back and watches? How about … a king!

Oh but when he pulls out that whip, phew it gets scorching hot.


Lee Gon recognizes when it is appropriate to take action and when to step back and watch. Plus this is the perfect opportunity for him to show off and execute his earlier promise.

He does so … in an amazing display of composure and with his trusty whip.

It’s a very attractive scene. Very hot in my humble opinion. #swoon Make sure you go on a water refill break before this, because the thirst is so real it’s like an unexpected assault to the senses!

Of course this scene is a MUST watch!

18. No it’s the reruns

Episode 4

In response to the question: “how are you so good at solving crimes,” Jeong Tae-eul responds with providing her backstory. She used to watch crime shows and movies with her dad growing up. It wasn’t growing up with her father that helped her solve cases and think like a criminal, it’s the reruns! This makes the list for the absolute comedy factor that a one-liner like this provides.

19. SO it happened. My nephew finally stands before the legend

Episode 4

Insert ominous score —

The villain knows what’s up.

Although this line is a bit on-the-nose, it makes the list for what it signifies. It represents an acknowledgement of the “special world.” The awakening so to speak is real and both villain and hero are up-to-speed. It’s seemingly an even playing field now.

And, things are just heating up.

Quite literally.

20. Weild it with deep thoughts and make things right

Episode 4

“That is the calling of the Four Tiger Sword. Only the king can become the owner of the Four Tiger Sword.”

Advice from the former King to a young Lee Gon.

The hero has been presented with a calling, the calling and stipulation that comes with the Four Tiger Sword. And yet, the sword has already been misused by his uncle.

Can King Lee Gon associate righteousness with the very weapon that was used to murder his father?

What consequences will arise from misusing the sword?

Only time, and this drama, will tell.

21. I command the royal guard to take ten steps back

Yes! For the first time our hero makes a demand as KING in front of our female protagonist. She is in shock, yet she finally sees Lee Gon in all his Kingly glory.

Crazy? Hah! Not anymore!

No one is exempted from his decree. He is looking out for Jeong Tae-eul’s best interests and nothing is being prioritized above that. The sweetness, consideration, and command that is enforced in this dialogue exchange is why this one-liner makes the list.

Nothing screams KING like arrogance does. Who doesn’t like being right, am I right?!

Keep turning that page!

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