Building Traditions: Grandmother takes 4 year-old sunflower picking

WATCH: As one family celebrates summer’s end by picking sunflowers together.


Meet Susan Kester and Honor Kester. This grandmother and granddaughter duo enjoy the day at Salomon Fields, a sunflower field located in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Joining them today is “pa-paw” the designated sunflower cutter, and 4 year-old Honor’s mother.

According to Susan Kester, the key to picking sunflowers is variety, and the Kester family certainly accomplished this mission. They left with large and small, white and yellow, and of course full seed heads too. After displaying the sunflowers in their home for the season and giving some to their neighbors, Susan plans on feeding the remnants of these colorful plants to the squirrels and birds.

Once travel restrictions lift and COVID19 numbers decline, the Kester family hopes to travel west to see some of the larger sunflower fields with Honor.

Filmed and edited by Randi Orr

Aired on Wane 15 news

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